The Warriors

When did it all begin?

When did all our smiles disappear?

And when did our worry lines appear?

When did we get trapped in our home?

And when did we start losing hope?

Away from things that we care about.

Away from friends and family.

But afraid not, friend, have faith

In the warriors fighting for us.

The warriors who protect us sacrificing their lives.

The warriors who patrol the streets day and night.

The warriors who patrol the streets day and night.

We shall also help.

The warriors who work to provide food.

The warriors who risk their good health to ensure ours.

The warriors who wear white coats and stethoscopes.

The warriors who fight with an enemy not seen.

All the warriors work tirelessly.

All the warriors fight fearlessly.

We shall also fight by staying home.

We shall also help.

Afraid not, friend, have faith

In the warriors fighting for us.

Ajitesh Veeramachaneni, 7-D